French Mdl.1763/1776




  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776
  • French Mdl.1763/1776


This Rev.War French Import was mfg. in 1774 as per the' 74' on the barrel.  I can't make out a name on the lock but the stock still exhibits a pretty clear St. Etienne mark. There's pretty good write up on these rare pistols on page 116 of Troiani & Kochan's " Soldiers of the American Revolution". They state that these brass-banded pistols were purchased by Continental and State agents in France for use as both cavalry arms and naval boarding weopons. They further state that the iron- banded pistols were made later during the French Revolution.  The only thing that's been alter on this pistol is the ramrod which is period hand forged of American mfg.  There's no doubt this pistol was here for the American Revolution as it's stock has many American unit carvings and brands, refer to my pictures.  A really good looking and original Revolutionary War pistol . 


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