Rev.War Cartridge Box

" American " 


  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box
  • Rev.War Cartridge Box

I bought this cartridge box from noted author and historian George Neumann 20+ years ago.  It's has a long overhanging leather flap with a wooden cartridge block. The block has 26 cartridge holes of .69 cal. which would have worked well with the French Charleville muskets that our Continental soldiers carried. When I went to take the pictures I found an old tag in the pouch stating Northfield Vermont and a inventory number. I would assume that is where the box was found. The flap has been reattached over the years as has the shoulder straps. I had this hanging with a New Hampshire Charleville musket that I've since sold . A very good looking accessory to any Rev.War American musket.  


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