​This rooster was originally part of the famous ​Eagle Museum collection of Strasburg, Pa. which was closed in 1984 and the contents auctioned off on June 15, 1984. It's in it's original wooden frame 26 1/2" x 14 3/4" and is very good shape. The heading reads as follows: ​A clafs Lift,of all perfons Subject to Militia duty, refiding within the bounds of Capt. Geo: Matter Sixth Company, first Regiment, Geo: Thomas Lieut. Col. Com dt. first Brigade fourth divifion, Lancaster county,Militia aightenth day of April 1803. Included among the men are six Lancaster rifle makers ​George Fetter, Fred Fetter, John Bender, George Eicholtz , George Messersmith , and Jacob Haefer. A really wonderful addition to any gunroom.