A truly great musket from the French & Indian War. The origins of the "Queens Rangers"dates back to Major Robert Rogers raising companies of New England Frontierman and training them in irregular warfare. The Rangers soon gained fame campaigning in upsate New York particularly around Ft.Ticondorga and Lake Champlain. They also launched a successful raid on the Indian in the St. Lawrence Valley (Northwest Passage).When the Rev.War broke out the British govt.transferred the command of the "Queens Rangers" to John Graves Simcoe as they weren’t sure where Maj.Rogers loyalities really lay. The Rangers participated in the Penn. campaign(1777-1778),New York(1778),New Jersey(1779-80),Charlestown,S.C(1780),also participated with Benedict Arnold on raids in Va.They left America in 1783. This musket has" R. Mill" carved in the stock . This very well could stand for The Battle of Ramsour’s Mill . Seeing as the Battle of Ramsour Mill is considered as the spark that led to Yorktown and the Queens Rangers were captured at Yorktown this theory certainly makes sense. American soldiers were known to carve their name or in many cases the battle where a weapon was captured in the stock. No British soldier would ever put his name on a musket as it belonged to the King. He would have been drawn and quartered for such an offense. A rare opportunety to acquire a real piece of American History.
1st Model Brown Bess
"Queens Rangers"
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