This is brand new to the collector fraternity. It’s an untouched original Confederate Le Mat that was brought home to Pennsylvania by a soldier as a War Trophy. It was given to the grandfather of the family it came from, when he was a boy, by the neighbor who brought it home. According to the family the pistol was used by the grandfather to shoot off caps while playing cowboy and Indians. Actually, you can see where one of the nipples was flattened for that purpose. The pistol is serial #1577 and is all matching . You can still read most of the "Col. LeMat BTE. s.g.d.g. Paris " barrel address. The action works fine and the hammer still swivels in order to fire the shotgun barrel. The rammer for the shotgun is stuck in it’s housing but with some soaking I’m sure it would free up. The pistol has such a great untouched look that I didn’t want even take a oily rag to it. A great looking Confederate pistol.
Confederate Le Mat
" 2nd Mdl. "
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