Pair of California Coach Shotguns

" Gold Rush "  


  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns
  • Pair of California Coach Shotguns

​A bonafide pair of California double barrel Stagecoach Guard Shotguns. They are identified to the ​Empire Gold California.Mine of Grass Valley. The mine was founded in 1850 and produced over 5,000​,000 ounces of gold in it's lifetime. The guns were found in the attic of a Victorian house in Nevada City, Ca. ​One shotgun is stamped under it's leather buttplate cover and the other on the bottom of it's buttstock.Both guns come with signed letters stating where they were found. The Imperial gun has had a couple of nickle size lead repairs to the barrel which just adds to it's charm. Both actions still function very well. The 12 ga, barrels were period cut down to 18". According to one of the letters that comes with the guns,the Imperial shotgun was still loaded with 00 buck when found. These will come with the guns. I had sold these guns a few years ago and just took them back in trade on a more expensive gun. The man I had sold them to built a neat display stand out of a old shot ammo box which will come with the guns.  A really neat piece of Old California. 


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