Rev. War Brown Bess Short Land Pattern “Liege”



American Captured

A  good American Revolutionary War British  Liege  contract musket circa 1777-78 . The war was lasting longer than the British had anticipated  so the  government contracted with gunmakers in Liege to supply muskets based on the Short Land pattern. These were to go the Loyalist (Tory’s) troops in America.  This musket is one of those muskets with Liege contractor Jean Gosuin’s initials IG on the barrel. I’ve taken 2 pictures of the IG mark on the barrel but my camera really doesn’t capture it very well. Interestingly, you can see it quite well with the naked eye when holding the musket .  The gun shows  signs of being a captured piece by American patriot forces, as there are initials on the buttstock which would never be permitted on a British government owned musket . The lock is the muskets second lock and it’s from a 2nd mdl. Brown Bess replaced during it’s period of use .    The American forces didn’t have ready access to spare parts so they put to use parts from old or broken muskets to make things function, if a lock  failed .  This musket , barrel and lock are still in their original flintlock condition and function properly .   A true Rev. War American  used Brown Bess!


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